From: []
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 11:21 AM
To: Joe Peery
Subject: Re: Descendants of Isaac Simpson Hayes

Your bibliography is so essential ... but it reminds me why I simply called my book a novel. Isn't it wonderful we got that picture from kingbart after 7 years? Almost fate-like that his email still worked, and his info at familytreemaker was still there, etc. Did you send him a copy? I'm sure he'd like to have it.

I'd love to collaborate something if I can regain motivation and creative direction. Houston is a vampire to my creativity, and always has been. I can't seem to maintain and develop thoughts here. I was much more productive creatively during the 20 years when I lived elsewhere. I feel like my Dad when I live here (as Houston is a good place to make a living if money is motivation), but I am not my Dad.

I promised Dad on his deathbed I would take care of Mom, and I've been here since 2000 to be near her. Now my brother has moved back too, and he has Post Polio Syndrome and his future is dim. I guess the importance of family means more to me now ... but it is very frustrating creatively.

We'll see what happens as I keep searching for Isaac's ancestors. Putting up that little web site is really the most creative thing I've done in years. And it's got me thinking about writing something about the origins of my name. I wonder if Charles Darwin would mind if I call it The Origins Of My Species?

The web site is an escape for me. I obviously can't be in Ireland searching old church records and graveyards. I wonder when I got the "e" in my name? We've seen Isaac spelled HAYS and HAYES. Frank's tombstone reads HAYS. It's clearly HAYES on Mose's Bible records.

I ramble. I need some golf today if it's not too wet.


----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Peery
To: ''
Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 12:27 AM
Subject: RE: Descendants of Isaac Simpson Hayes

Thanks for your kind words. However most of that is the work of the computer age. I have a software database program called 'The Master Genealogist.' The file that you are reading is called a journal report. You have to enter the data into the database, but the software writes the report and prepares the footnotes and Bibliography from the data. There are a myriad of reports and charts that the program will prepare.

Obviously, the software didn't know anything about Isaac and his dependents until I told it. The report represents almost five years of research on my family but you are seeing only the Hayes side. I have over 7,000 people listed in my database. Also, when I record facts about someone, I also record where I got that information. Most of the information I have gotten from as you can tell from the endnotes. When I could, I made copies of the data I was recording in jpg format files which I then saved on the computer and attached it to the source. Therefore, if you see something that I have documented that you would like to see, there is a good probability that I can email you a copy of it. Unfortunately, when I started, I wasn't always good about documenting the sources, (and I still get lazy sometimes,) so I do have some info that is not documented. Also, there are some works that are too large to copy and save on the computer, such as "Apologies Lost To The Pines" that I have put in my library but do not have it on the computer.

The journal report is not exciting reading as is "Apologies Lost To The Pines" but is good for the detail. Maybe one day we could collaborate and between the two of us write a good book about the family.

Feel free to share, just be sure to warn that there are no guarantees as to the accuracy. Remember, some of the data that you and I both are relying on is secondary, or tertiary or even word of mouth from our ancestors or other researchers. People do make mistakes and their memories are not perfect. Even when working with a primary source, there is always the question, is this the same Isaac, etc,? If it were a perfect world, we could find only primary sources to work from and be certain of the identification, alas, were it so. It is important to correct any inaccuracies as soon as possible because any errors that are repeated eventually become fact even if it isn't a fact. I'm sure you will find some errors in the report I sent you. Please, don't spare my feelings and tell me if I'm wrong on something.

Thanks again,

From: []
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 10:26 PM
To: Joe Peery
Subject: Re: Descendants of Isaac Simpson Hayes

This is really an amazing work. You should be (and hopefully are) quite proud of it. Such detail, and such documentation! Amazing ... truly amazing!

I can only hope to add to it by going further back. The detail of this work is beyond my perception right now. I will print it and study it, and I have saved it to desktop to do so.

Is it OK if I share it with (if they come) hits off my site?

I spent a couple hours this afternoon trying to get the site posted to genealogy forums, search engines, etc. I will continue to do so, and I encourage you to share the website with anybody you know also.

Thank you for your efforts, and sharing them with me!


----- Original Message -----
From: Joe Peery
To: James Hayes ; Charlene Mann
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 8:20 PM
Subject: Descendants of Isaac Simpson Hayes

Here is what I have on Isaac and his descendants. James, I know you said you didn't care about his descendants but I thought you might like a copy anyway.

This is in Microsoft Word format and I formatted it so it could print front and back to save paper. If you do print it, The cover with Isaac's picture should be printed separately so that the other pages will line up for binding.

Joe Peery